Blackjack Class Library in .Net
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BJLib is a blackjack class library written in C#, and it can be used in any programs for Microsoft .Net. The library includes most essential classes needed to develop blackjack-related softwares and possibly any card game softwares with no or little modifications. The project started while I was writing a blackjack simulator, which turned out to be a much bigger project than I initially planned. The "library part" currently consists of about 250~300 classes, and I decided to release this portion under an open source license so that other developers do not have to reinvent the wheel. The library will be contantly updated based on my personal needs as well as depending on the users' demands.

Blackjack Class Library in .Net™ is written in C# using the Microsoft .Net Framework, and it requires .Net Runtime (CLR). For development, Visual Studio.Net v 7.1 or later is recommended.

BJLib is a core class library. It provides implementations of basic data types for cards, chips/bets, blackjack rules, and strategy definitions, etc.
BJUtil contains strategy-related classes and routines. It currently implements the HiOpt-I card counting strategy among others.
BJDos consists of convenience classes for writing text or console-based application. Utility classes for command-line argument parsing and registry updating, for example, are included in this package.
BJWin consists of convenience classes for GUI-based Windows application development, including some common WinForms.

BJLib Developers
BJLib Admnistrators

Blackjack Library is released under the BSD license.
Blackjack Cafe
Resources for  Invisible Card Counters™.

SourceForge Logo

Project Status
Blackjack Library | BJLib
We just uploaded a snapshot of the existing library, BJLib. The codebase is about two years old despite the timestamp indicated by CVS.
Blackjack Library | BJUtil
We are currently working on migrating the existing codebase to SourceForge.
To-Do List
Blackjack Library | BJLib
  • Lots of things...
Blackjack Library | BJUtil
  • Lots of things...
System Requirements / Dependencies
For Run-Time Environements
  • Microsoft .Net CLR v 1.1 or later.
  • ...
For Build Environments
  • Visual Studio v 7.1 or later (.Net)
  • ...
Installation and Customization
Binary Distribution
There is no separate distribution for binary build. (BJLib is distributed as a programmer's API library with no executables.)
Source Distribution
The most recent source distribution can be found from the Files section on this site. The snapshot of the current codebase can also be directly accessed from the CVS repository.